Serving with the “Welcome Inn” by Kimi Encarnacion
We’re the 2nd Tuesday bunch! The folks at our table tell us we’re the highlight of the month! I’m pretty sure they say that to everyone that brings them a hot meal. Who wouldn’t? We have a solid group of 8 families, mostly moms and kids (from little’s to age 18) that show up with their assigned item and a big smile. It’s the same thing every month. We keep it simple. Rice, pulled pork, salad, cooked veggies, drinks and even p,b & j’s for the next day! We’ve done it enough times now that we know a lot of them by name or a nickname and notice when they aren’t there. There’s the guy with the pet bunny, the tall lady with the fingernails and Star, a friendly woman who’s definitely a favorite. Along with some hardworking gardeners, there’s almost always a bible quoting street preacher, a dozen chronic homeless and a handful of families from the neighborhood.
I think anyone involved will tell you we are doing this for our kids. It’s been great for them to see people from all walks and circumstances gathering for a warm dinner served by their caring hands. At first, questions would come up like “Why does that guy need dinner? He drives a nice car and wears a blue tooth?” I have to remember back when Jay and I were first married and ramen noodles were a luxury! I would have loved to know where I could get some good free food. Our children are learning that times can be tough and that bad choices can make a real mess of our lives! We all thank our Heavenly Father we are on the serving side of the table for now.
(The “2nd tuesday bunch” serves with the Welcome Inn, a service organization listed on this website. Check them out under “service organization links” to see how you may be able to help.)