“Fashion Your Life After Christ” was an incredible event. With almost 500 people in attendance, it was a packed house. Many came because they knew of Rose Marie Reid and wanted to learn more about her life. Others had never heard of her, but before the night was over one young woman remarked, “I missed my OCMCO practice to come to this and I am SO glad I did. This lady is my new hero!” And, indeed, Rose Marie Reid lived a life of great faith and courage. Her story was at once inspiring and entertaining; and her daughter, Carole Burr, did a wonderful job telling it, showing it, and helping us all to know this dear woman better.
All who attended were happy they came, and were fed in more ways than one. Afterwards, many lingered for a very long time, enjoying soda floats, snickerdoodles, and fruit with whipped cream. It’s always such a joy to be together — this evening was no exception.