Have you ever bitten into a chocolate and tasted the unexpected? The women of the San Clemente Stake gathered for breakfast, friendship, and a powerful video about how we can ultimately find sweetness in those unexpected pieces of chocolate we are sometimes required to eat. Seven women shared their personal stories of how they learned to lay their burdens at the Saviors feet and find joy. And, finally, Ann Bunker touched everyone’s heart with her presentation on trials, hope, and faith.
Hearts were touched as women learned that life can be delicious even though our experiences are not always what we had expected. Here are a few quotes from some women who attended:
“The setting, the speaker, the Spirit! All so wonderful!”
“Wow- was that ever touching, real, and just what we all needed!”
“I want you to know how touched I was and how much I learned. The Spirit was so strong and everyone in that room was buoyed up by the words we heard”
We hope you will enjoy the video . . .
2013 Stake Women’s Conference – HD 720p from Deborah Stapley on Vimeo.